Thursday, 12 December 2013

This genaration babies may live up to 100 years

A new research into the expectancy life of new born babies estimated that up to 2/3 of babies born in the last year – more than half a million newborns – could live up to 100 after a revolution in life expectancy.

New projections from the Office for National Statistics suggest that living past 10 decades may become normal for this new generation of babies.


The research also suggest that those of the baby boomer generation who are retiring now could live long to collect their pension for the next 24 years which is 50 percent more than their parents generation. This means that their life expectancy will be longer than their parents and that means an extra seven years of retirement for men born just after the end of the Second World War, in comparison with those who retired 30 years ago.

Women also are not left out as they have gained almost six years extra life expectancy in that time as surviving until the age of 90 becomes a yard stick for both sexes.


  Exercise can make you healthy 

 Eating Tomatoes Reduce Heart Disease

Friday, 22 November 2013

Exercise can make you healthy

The benefits of exercise cannot be underestimated. Some of the benefits of exercise are enumerated below.

 Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles thus optimizing the cardiovascular system.

 Exercise can also help to maintain weight loss or to prevent excess weight gain.


 Exercise helps to boosts endurance.

 Exercise and any physical activity help to distribute oxygen and nutrients to the tissues thus help to boost the cardiovascular system.

 Exercise helps someone to have a deep and refreshing sleep.

 Expert also affirmed that exercise helps to improve the mood. This is because physical activity helps to release brain chemicals that can make us to feel more relaxed and happier.

Exercise helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and a wide range of health problems such as diabetes, stroke, metabolic syndrome, cancer, arthritis, depression and others because exercise helps to keep the blood flowing effectively.

 Through exercise your lungs and heart work more effectively and efficiently and this gives you more energy and vitality.

 Exercise also helps to improve men libido and sexual activity. It helps to solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, if you experience any form of erectile dysfunction or any form of sexual impotence, try to improve your rate of engagement in physical activity.

There are lot of exercise in particular that are good for boosting men libido and erectile function. You may need to consult a physician for this. It is important to know that you don’t have to set aside large amount of time for daily or weekly exercise or to work very hard than your natural energy and stamina during exercise. Just make sure you engage in any physical activity such as walking, climbing the stairs instead of the elevator, light gym.

You can also involve in sport activity such as football, table and long tennis, volley ball, golf and others that you will really enjoy.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Eating Tomatoes Reduce Heart Disease


Below are some of the benefits of eating tomatoes

Anti cancer

Research shows that eating enough of tomatoes can help to reduce the risk of certain cancers such as stomach, lung and prostrate cancers. The cancer fighting substance in tomatoes is said to be lycopene which is said to be responsible for the red color. Cooking tomatoes help to break down and release lycopene from tomatoes.

Protect against blood clots

Blood clotting is known as thrombosis and drinking like eight ounces of low-sodium tomato juice daily can help to reduce the risk of blood clotting. 

Reduce blood level of TNF-alpha

TNF-alpha causes inflammation. High concentration of TNF-alpha has been found in individuals with diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and Alzheimer. However, drinking a glass cup of tomato juice daily has been found to reduce TNF-alpha immensely.

Reduce heart disease

Eating like eight to ten serving of tomato is found to reduce the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases by twenty nine percent. This is possible because tomatoes contain nutrients such as folate, niacin, lycopene, vitamin A, B, C among others that are known to lower the risk of heart disease.
Tomato also helps to ward off diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis.


Prevent DNA fro free radicals
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and C which are powerful antioxidant that prevent DNA from damaging free radicals.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

3 tips to avoid excessive weight gain

1. Avoid spending much time infront of Tv.

Spending long time watching tv can lead to obesity as the body will not have time to burn the fat and calorie we consume in our food.

2. Limit alcohol consumption

Chronic consumer of alcohol and alcoholic beverages are known to be obese and people with fat tommy.. By drinking alcohol you are addind unwanted energy into your body that will later be turned into fat. Though it is hard to say you should not consume alcohol at all especially if it is not back up by medical reason by you can limit your consumption of alcohol the barest minimum.


Find time to visit the gym. One undeniable fact is that visiting the gym is not easy talkless of the exercise itself but it worth it. Working out in the gym is popular nowadays because it works.

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how to avoid getting malaria

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